NYC Marathon 2024 training & diet log, tips and information. April 1 - Nov 3 #tcsnycmarathon



Did a muddy, sorta rainy, sweaty, swampy hike with some slower uphill sprints, still nursing sore air squat legs. It all felt great minus those stupid flies that just buzz in my eyes and ears and drive me insane. Added on more movement with my kid totaling 15,000 steps on the day. Nothing super high impact, just a lot of low intensity movement.


On the hike I threw in a Bring Sally Up too. The buzzing flies in my ears really spiced that up lol ugh

Made my granola and began to load up some carbs for a long Sunday run. The weather is just not playing nice and even at 6am, it’s 75 degrees and swampy as all hell. Really can’t wait for some cool, dry winds to blow in. It makes going past 13-15 miles really miserable.

Food = Fuel

Carbs up around 150-175g on the day. Will go as high as 250g tomorrow. WIll chill out with fats and mega high protein and focus on carbs, salts, electrolytes to hit my long sweaty Sunday run goal of 20 miles. I must say how unnatural I find carb loading to be, but it’s clear and obvious that it’s necessary.

Also noting I am doubling down on electrolytes and bone broth for a solid run day foundation. See below for bone broth endurance benefits.

I want to make a note about treating food as fuel specific to any type of endurance work, especially in the heat, and it’s absolute importance.

I follow Nick Bare on YouTube and he is a hybrid trainer like me. Hybrid meaning he’s not a lifter or a runner or strength trainer, he’s all of them. He goes beyond what I’m doing so I consider him inspiration.

Food intake and what you have in your “gas tank” is beyond important for training. Whether it’s just getting over 2 miles for the 1st time or going for a marathon. If you run out of gas, just like in a car, the whole thing stops. It’s happened to me many times.

As I evolve and learn more and more I tailor my diet to the activity that lies ahead. It is a lot of work but it’s necessary. Take a listen, this is fantastic advice:

He talks about going as high as 500g carbs a day leading up to endurance work. It’s so hard to do. But the concept of reducing fat, keeping protein similar and amping up carbs is what I’m after. He talks about this specifically at the 35 min marker.

These are some of my run supplements on Amazon. I make bone broth homemade now but Kettle and Fire or Costco/Kirkland is great if you don’t want to make it.

I take 2 of these electrolyte tabs pre run and on run day:
Nuun Sport Electrolyte Tablets

I chew these in my run:

Skratch Labs Energy Chews

SaltStick Electrolyte FastChews

Bone Broth:

Hydration and Electrolyte Balance:

  1. Sodium and Potassium: These electrolytes help maintain fluid balance and prevent cramping during long runs.
  2. Hydration: The high water content helps keep you hydrated, especially when consumed before and after runs.

Joint and Connective Tissue Health:

  1. Collagen: Supports the health of joints, ligaments, and tendons, reducing the risk of injuries common in endurance running.
  2. Gelatin: Can help maintain the integrity of connective tissues and may reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Muscle Recovery and Repair:

  1. Amino Acids: Provides essential amino acids like glycine and proline, which are important for muscle repair and recovery.
  2. Protein: While not as high as in other protein sources, the protein in bone broth can still contribute to overall protein intake for muscle maintenance.

Digestive Health:

  1. Gut Health: Gelatin supports gut lining health, which can improve nutrient absorption and overall digestive function.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The amino acids in bone broth can have anti-inflammatory effects, aiding in recovery and reducing inflammation from intense training.

Immune Support:

  1. Nutrients: Vitamins and minerals in bone broth can support the immune system, which is crucial during heavy training periods when the immune system can be taxed.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Certain compounds in bone broth can help modulate the immune response, potentially reducing the risk of illness.

Energy and Endurance:

  1. Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus are important for muscle function and energy metabolism.
  2. Balanced Nutrition: Consuming bone broth can complement a balanced diet, ensuring that runners get a broad spectrum of nutrients.

Practical Benefits:

  1. Easy to Digest: Bone broth is gentle on the stomach, making it suitable for pre- and post-run nutrition without causing digestive discomfort.
  2. Versatility: Can be consumed on its own or used as a base for nutrient-dense soups and stews, providing flexibility in meal planning. @TerryA