Hi. I'm MikeB. It's been 20 years since I started a community


I hope this thread sets the vibe for this place.

What am I up to now?

Digitally I’m obsessed with guerilla digital marketing, AI, video editing and VR. Physically I’m obsessed with lifting, running/hiking, staying flexible, longevity and eating clean to support it all. My hobbies involve growing: my Youtube channel, home gym, muscle mass & high THC medicinal and recreational.

My job is digital marketing services for small businesses.

If you have a question, ask it here. I’ll do my best to answer it free: Digital Consulting 101

My “side-hustle” is coaching people 40+ in strength training, lifestyle modifications, flexibility and nutrition. I’m 25 years self-employed work from home.

If you have a strength training question, ask it here. I’ll do my best to answer it free: Don’t Weaken

I’m an almost 50 year old guy with a house and kids. In my mind, I’m still the guy that started Cloud10. I’m genuinely and passionately in it for the long haul.

I learn, laugh, lift, work on a fast as all hell computer. I’m completely and thoroughly over the politically correct, woke and phony nonsense on most social media platforms. If you are here, chances are, you are too.

My first go around at having a community/forum was life changing. It was built on freedom and humor but it got out of control. This time around, we will be doing it right. We’re adults now.

If any of this interests you, please join my community. I’m open to host conversations about most things. I hope this small community serves one purpose and that is to make whoever stumbles in here is inspired, educated or entertained.

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What, you don’t like dogs anymore???

OH I love them, just don’t have one right now. I will soon though, kid pressure is high

oh man, that sux, didn’t realize your lil babies passed

Ya man, that’s a huge reason I don’t want another.

I’m at the end of life with my dog, shes just old, bad joints, gaining weight. It’s so hard to deal with the decline and loss of a good pet. Especially on the kids, they are going to want another but I’m ready for just cats after this, at least for awhile. We like to get away on the weekends and you can’t do that with a 75 pound rottweiler in tow.

UGH ya our last guy was in rough shape for a few years. Ya my big gripe with dogs now is all the extra complications. Shit is complicated enough with kids

Yeah that’s where I’m at, we have dogs, cats, chickens, fish, and kids… I could stand a couple of these things going away.

Cats are like having teenagers, walk around the house, messing everything up while being grumpy as hell. All they do is sleep all day and flip you the bird if you want to spend time with them.

Imax68 here, good to see everyone from the Baker Media days!

Let’s have some fun!

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HEY! I love to see the old familiar names, welcome back. We’re all old now lol

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I never get old!

I am constant as the Northern Star!

If you think we are old, you should see the Kentucky high schoolers that use to hang out at the board

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Hey my man, welcome back. :boom:

Hey now. We’re all old now too.

Hello @Sosul do I know you from the old days

Yeah its Ballz, lol. Once you hit 40 you start to grow up some. Not really though. I can’t seem to shake Apache no matter what, lol.

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Dude I’m 50 in less than a year I’m still working on growing up

Shout to new members @Robnoxious @Nifty @nexialist950 @adamlewis17 @0Dogg @mucho @anti_material Love to hear what you’re up to