Google AI search results now include alternate perspectives from Youtube


This is a great example of how Youtube videos are being used 1. to answer questions via search and 2. get infused as a “2nd opinion” via AI assisted search results.

Get your Youtube game stronger!

Don’t forget this fact: Youtube is the #2 search engine in the world. It’s owned by the #1 search engine in the world. These platforms are now completely intertwined.

TIP: When you answer questions with your videos and work the necessary magic to get your video transcript in proper key moments, or you do it manually if it’s short, you open up search to the chapters that are generated.


Key Moments:
00:00:00 Going from 40 lbs to 60 lbs with IronMaster Adjustable Dumbbells
00:01:15 Going from 60 lbs to 80 lbs with IronMaster Adjustable Dumbbells
00:02:23 Going from 80 lbs to 100 lbs with IronMaster Adjustable Dumbbells, swapping short screws with long screws
00:04:15 Hitting a new PR of 100lbs x 8 on incline! Ya man!!

@Amarc @john @digerati-experts @rjr @Mithun @joel @MikeC