Help with Migrating a website to wpengine

I have database files for the website , I need to migrate it to wpengine .using FileZilla .
Kindly assist.

Hello, so as you went through the process where are you stuck?

Filezilla: my recommendation is just overwrite the wp-content folder

Then the trick will be is getting your database up and connected to the fresh new wp-config

Let me know where you’re stuck I’ll hopefully get you set!

@joel I wanted to post your initial inquiry from Linkedin and go over it:

I was following your tutorial of migrating a site to wpengine.

I have my site database files.

i downloaded and used file zilla, but i got some issues;

When im importing the sql database to myphpadmin it doesnt bring the " input successfully finished " mine shows a white page with " error loading page "

I’m connected to fast internet and i dont know why that happens.

Kindly advise.

The issue may be “PHP limits” on your hosting side. If it times out, chances are your database is too big for the limits’ set by the host, in this case WPEngine. If you ask them via support, they can increase it OR they can take your DB and populate it from their side. You’d just need to upload it via FTP.

Filezilla shouldn’t have anything to do with that specific issue.

Filezilla is how you’d potentially get it to them, and to get your WordPress files up.

Hit me if you need more help.

Your right, it was the wp-content folder that had issues.
I tried re-uploading it but file by file. Turns out the folder was too big and some hadn’t been uploaded. Now its functioning.
However just one query , when i tap on wp admin. it takes me to the login page and when i use the credentials for wpengine they cant login.
where do i get the login credentials for my wordpress account.

Go inside WPEngine and you can access WP Admin there:

You just need to reset the password for the Wpengine owner email.

Marking this as solved