Chad workout / food log

Let’s go. How’s food going?

Been pretty consistent. There have been some bacon egg cheese sandwiches at times or some pizza here and there during the season but overall way more good than bad.
Porks chops burgers salmon cod
Cucumbers tomatoes lettuce
Green beans
Aloha bars melon and mango
Touch base after Easter
Hope you and family have a great Easter

Congrats on NYC Marathon.
Happy Easter.
Promise, nothing crazy tomorrow. Only 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate.

Hey weight is moving, great. Thanks on the marathon, I’m all fired up about it. Part freaked and part psyched. Make the Easter treats count! Talk soon my man


Great. How’s activity been?

weight/food have been much better than activity at moment.
trying to do my best, will say, more movement around office with so many people coming in and out of my office picking up returns, that has helped with not sitting in a chair for 3 hours punching in numbers.
touch base Friday with weight.

Just keep busy, keep the calories down and keep it as clean as possible. We’ll get back to the good movement this Spring hopefully. Even if it’s just 1 or 2x a week.


@chad Great we gotta get those muscles moving again. Maybe if you can today go for a good long walk, clear your mind.

Checking in

Sorry. Crazy busy. Movement is all at office.
However did do a 3 mile walk with my daughter yesterday.
Food and fasting schedule has been really good.
Did cheat on Saturday for UCONN game.
Bourbon and apps. Too many. :roll_eyes:
Check in soon. Thanks for reaching out.

Weight seeming to be continuously dropping, that’s great. It seems mostly diet related right? We add in some of the workouts like we were doing and you’ll be seeing 250’s and beyond asap.

We’re heading to Hilton Head again but hoping maybe after that, after tax season we get back on a schedule for Spring, Summer, Fall etc.

Absolutely. Have a great trip.
Have a follow up with daughter’s Neurologist next week, after that we will game plan for going forward.

Checking in, how’s it going? I’ll be back in full swing Wednesday.

I hope to have you back soon, 1x per week will get the ball rolling again.